Life, Shining The Spotlight, Zimbabwe Disability

The Blog Became A Radio Show

One of my 2020 goals was to blog often which I failed spectacularly. Not that I did not have anything to write about but I have been so busy with my radio show Life Through The Disability Lens.

When I sat down to start this blog 7 years ago, I had no idea that one day it would become a whole radio show and it happened this year!!!!


Well the journey of how this award wining blog became a radio show began on December 13 2019 when one of my oldest and most dearest friends Rutendo Mutsamwari interviewed me on her former radio show Off The Menu at Heart and Soul radio. I was so nervous to be interviewed on radio and what could go wrong on that day did go wrong to such a point that I was a nervous wreck by the time I walked into the studio. At the same time I was also very calm because I had prayed that morning and asked God to lead the interview and to highlight what He wanted me to say. The interview was amazing to say the least. The feedback was that I was a natural on radio. Funny enough this had been a long time dream of ours to both be on radio so we were on cloud nine. After the radio interview my friend Rutendo instructed me to wait in the studio lounge and within minutes, she came back and ushered me into the station manager’s office. What happened in those 20 or minutes still remains a dream to be honest. Rutendo introduced me to the station manager and before I knew it started saying “Cokes you know I have always believed in you and I believe it’s time the world hears your voice. It’s time for you to have your own show.” Then she walked back into the studio to finish her show. I was left confused.

I was then left with the station manager who shared how she LOVED my blog and like Rutendo believed that my blog should be a radio show. She loved the interview that I did and said I was a natural on air. She went on about how they were looking for new shows at the station for 2020 and asked “would you like your own show with us here at Heart and Soul radio?” I was speechless. I am not often left speechless but in this case, I genuinely had nothing to say in response. I sat there for a few minutes wondering if I was dreaming or not but after realising that it was not a dream and that in fact I had just been offered a job without applying for it, I said yes. From then on we brainstormed what the show would be about, the title, when it would air. I obviously highlighted that I had never done anything like this before to which she replied “that’s why we hire people with no experience.”

Here is the link to the interview that landed a radio show. You can watch it here. 

I officially started on the 24th of January 2020. I thought the show was terrible but everyone loved it. Of course I was so nervous to say the very least, such that I never share the link to that show. Anyway so yeah for the past 11 months I have been a radio host and producer at Heart and Soul radio, the largest online radio station in Zimbabwe. I will in a later post write in detail of what it has been like hosting and producing my own radio show.

You can access links to the shows I have done on the link below


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