
Accepting The New Normal

“The new normal” is a term that has been thrown around a lot in the last few weeks. Every time I have read or heard this term, I have frowned and rolled my eyes so bad. What new normal, this is just a phase which will pass; I would tell myself. However reality finally sunk in on Monday morning and I’ve finally accepted that this is life now, this is indeed the new normal. Just last week I said to a friend as soon as the lock down is lifted on Monday I am leaving the house then the president dropped the bombshell on Saturday afternoon that we are in lock down indefinitely subject to review every two weeks. Looking back at this, I felt some form of relief because in as much I am so desperate to leave the house for some fresh air not knowing what is happening with the lock down, was causing me a great deal of anxiety. It now feels like I can actually plan things, well to the degree that I can…”

COVID-19: What the New Normal Looks Like for Hospitality?

I wrote the above words on May the 20th and looking back at this, wow I was so wrong about this “new normal.” I wrote these words with some form of enthusiasm and excitement with the belief that I could actually face the new normal and almost 6 months later, I can confidently say it has not been easy at all. Yes sure Zimbabwe has pretty much been opened for the last few weeks and life has somewhat gone back to normal in the country with no-one observing social distance; judging from pictures and videos on social media you would assume that we do not have any positive cases of covid.

I never anticipated the impact that this new normal would have on me. I won’t lie at the beginning of the pandemic, I was one of those people who truly believed that by August the virus would be gone but well here we are in November and parts of Europe are experiencing a second wave of the virus and it is probably a matter of time before we are hit by another wave.

I miss human interaction.

I miss being part of a community.

Not attending church has been the hardest thing for me. Sunday worship services were the highlight of my week. Online church is great but it is just not the same as corporate worship. It is the praise and worship sessions that I miss the most. I miss the fellowship and banter after church services. Sundays now feel empty without those worship services. I genuinely wonder when we will be able to return to church, probably when a vaccine has been developed.

I miss having a social life.

Yes granted restaurants and all are now open but it is just not the same as before the pandemic. Now you never know who is actually ok to go out for a meal or not. As a result I have only seen four friends since March 2020 and that has been so tough on me. I used to enjoy long WhatsApp calls but now scheduling a catch up call seems like such a huge task because I’ve spent so much time on the phone this year.

Yes right now on 09/11/20, I am not feeling the new normal but I have to say the new normal has not always been that bad. For example it has been my best year yet in terms of fitness and to an extent weight loss. This is the year i stopped obsessing about my weight but rather chose to focus on being fit. Between July and August, I did a 35 day walking challenge in which I walked a total of 65kms. It was the best time of the year for me, waking up at 6am to walk in very cold temperatures. I did lose weight during that time but i did the challenge for more fitness rather than weight loss. Now I am back on another 35 day challenge, again focusing on fitness and the weight is just falling away. Also because I am now very intentional with my food. My portion sizes have decreased. I don’t drink coffee. I am trying to cut down on my sugar intake which so far has been going well. I drink lots of water. I eat breakfast at 730am. I sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

Even though working from home has had its fair share of ups and downs, it has definitely brought in opportunities that probably would not have happened had it not been for the new normal and for that I will always be grateful for.

One thing that is so obvious to me is that the new normal is here to stay and there is no right or wrong way to navigate this new normal other than just taking it one day at a time.

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